Friday, December 12, 2008
Response.Redirect in UpdatePanel Ajax
So, if we add
<add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"/>
all works fine.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Pruning "Trash" and "Spam" folders automatically on MDaemon
c:\MDaemon\App\AccountPrune.exe /m /d=10 /p=”Spam.IMAP”
c:\MDaemon\App\AccountPrune.exe /m /d=10 /p=”Junk Mail.IMAP”
c:\MDaemon\App\AccountPrune.exe /m /d=10 /p=”Junk E-mail.IMAP”
c:\MDaemon\App\AccountPrune.exe /m /d=2 /p=”Trash.IMAP”
c:\MDaemon\App\AccountPrune.exe /m /d=2 /p=”Deleted Items.IMAP”
c:\MDaemon\App\AccountPrune.exe /m /d=2 /p=”Deleted Messages.IMAP”
Obviously, if you have installed MDaemon server in an another path, just use it.
The result is that at midnight each night, MDaemon’s accountpruner will go through each user’s mailbox, and in each of the “Spam”, “Junk Mail” and “Junk E-Mail” folders, delete all messages over 10 days old.
In the “Trash”, “Deleted Items” and “Deleted Messages” folders, messages over 2 days old will be deleted. Combine this with the accountpruner’s own options to delete IMAP mail flagged as deleted, and you’ll have a solution that works for users of all mail clients, whether the mail client uses a dedicated “Trash” folder, uses IMAP deleted flag, or both.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
VmWare ESX with Windows based NAS (NTFS)
The main steps in this process are:
- Installing Windows Services for UNIX (WSFU)
- Copying the ESX Server password and group files to Windows
- Configuring WSFU for accepting ESX Server connections
- Sharing the Windows folder for NFS compatibility
- Configuring the ESX Server to mount the Window NFS Share as Datastore.
1. Installing Windows Services for UNIX (WSFU)
Download windows services for UNIX at:
Install WSFU on the desired machine
Add in the following options
NFS + Server for NFS
Authentication tools for NFS + user name mapping
After installation, open services control panel applet and change the service ‘User Name Mapping’ to startup automatically and then start the service (if it's not started)
2. Copy the ESX Server password and group files to Windows
Use a program like WinSCP or similar process to copy the following files to your local system where WSFU is installed
You can get WinSCP from the fowling location.
Transfer the file /ect/password and the file /ect/group to C:\SFU or to the location where you installed WSFU
3. Configure WSFU to accepting ESX Server connections
Click Start, Programs, Windows Services for UNIX, Services for UNIX Administration
Go to user name mappings then configuration
Click password and group files
Then browse for the password and group files that you copied, from the browse dialog box for both the password and group fields
Click apply
Then go to maps
Click Show User Maps
List Windows users and list Unix users
Then select a local administrator user on the left that will be mapped to the root account and the root user on the right.
Then click on Add button
Then click apply (upper right)
4. Sharing the Windows folder for NFS compatibility
Right click the local folder you wish to share via NFS
Share the folder by clicking NFS sharing
Type in the name for the share i.e. NFS-VMFS01
Remove allow anonymous access
Click permissions
Now Change type of access to “Read+Write” then check allow root access.
5. Configure the ESX Server to mount the Window NFS Share as VMFS
Open the VC client and highlight the Vi3 host
In the Configure tab choose Networking
Add networking, VMKernel then pick a vSwitch, then give the VMkernel an IP that is accessible via the NFS host.
Now open the storage option for this host
Click add storage, > Network File System
In the Server Field enter in the name or the ip address of your server
In the Folder field enter /NFS-VMFS01 (or the name you give to the share)
For the Datastore I also used NFS-VMFS01
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Add users to Team Foundation Server
To add users to Team Foundation Server:
- Log on as a Team Foundation Administrator, open Team Explorer, and connect to the Team Foundation Server for which you are adding a user.
- From the Team menu, click Team Foundation Server Settings, and then click Group Membership.
- In the Global Groups dialog box, click Team Foundation Licensed Users and then click Properties.
- In the Team Foundation Server Group properties dialog box, click Windows User or Group, and then click Add.
- In the Select Users or Groups dialog box, type the user accounts you want to add, and then click Add.
- Click Close.
You cannot use the Global Security group dialog box to add users to this group.
You can add individual user accounts but not a group account.
In this way the user can only connect to the server but can't create or access projects. To complete the configuration, you can use the TFS Admin Tool. It allows a TFS administrator to quickly add users to all three platforms utilized by Team Foundation Server (Team Foundation Server, Sharepoint and SQL Reporting Services) all through one common interface. The tool also allows administrators to change the current permissions on any of the three tiers, identify any errors and view all of the users and their permission sets across Team Foundation Server, Sharepoint, and SQL Reporting Services.
The program is written in C# and is released via CodePlex.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Asterisk / Trixbox: listen to calls in progress
Insert the line below into "extensions.conf" inside a customized context. In Trixbox or @home write it into "extensions_custom.conf "under [from-internal-custom]
for example:
exten => _61XXX,1,ChanSpy(SIP/${EXTEN:2},q)
with as many X as number of figures or chars in "names" of your extensions (3 in this exemple)
After a reload, is sufficent to type on telephon keypad 61206 to listen the extension 206 call
Asterisk / Trixbox: recording calls
To do it we have to insert the rows below into "extesion.conf" on Asterisk or into "exstension_custom.conf" on Trixbox. (PS: on Trixbox it's also possible to enable this function from the GUI)
exten => _61XXX,1,Monitor(wav,rec${EXTEN:2},m)
exten => _61XXX,2,ChanSpy(SIP/${EXTEN:2},q)
exten => _61XXX,3,Hangup
in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor we'll find the recordings in wav format, named rec"extensionNumber"
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Select Distinct on DataSet with Vb.Net
Functions below allow to do a "Select Distinct" query over a DataSet.
FieldNames is a string array with the name of field for the select distinct input.
Public Function SelectDistinct(ByVal SourceTable As DataTable, _
ByVal ParamArray FieldNames() As String) As DataTable
Dim lastValues() As Object
Dim newTable As DataTable
If FieldNames Is Nothing OrElse FieldNames.Length = 0 Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("FieldNames")
End If
lastValues = New Object(FieldNames.Length - 1) {}
newTable = New DataTable
For Each field As String In FieldNames
newTable.Columns.Add(field, SourceTable.Columns(field).DataType)
For Each Row As DataRow In SourceTable.Select("", String.Join(", ", FieldNames))
If Not fieldValuesAreEqual(lastValues, Row, FieldNames) Then
newTable.Rows.Add(createRowClone(Row, newTable.NewRow(), FieldNames))
setLastValues(lastValues, Row, FieldNames)
End If
Return newTable
End Function
Private Function fieldValuesAreEqual(ByVal lastValues() As Object, _
ByVal currentRow As DataRow, ByVal fieldNames() As String) As Boolean
Dim areEqual As Boolean = True
For i As Integer = 0 To fieldNames.Length - 1
If lastValues(i) Is Nothing OrElse Not lastValues(i).Equals(currentRow(fieldNames(i))) Then
areEqual = False
Exit For
End If
Return areEqual
End Function
Private Function createRowClone(ByVal sourceRow As DataRow, _
ByVal newRow As DataRow, ByVal fieldNames() As String) As DataRow
For Each field As String In fieldNames
newRow(field) = sourceRow(field)
Return newRow
End Function
Private Shared Sub setLastValues(ByVal lastValues() As Object, _
ByVal sourceRow As DataRow, ByVal fieldNames() As String)
For i As Integer = 0 To fieldNames.Length - 1
lastValues(i) = sourceRow(fieldNames(i))
End Sub
Friday, September 26, 2008
Unzipping a zip file with subfolder with SharpZipLib and
Imports ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip
If File.Exists(fileName) Then
destPath = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 4)
If Not Directory.Exists(destPath) Then
For Each s As String In Directory.GetFiles(destPath)
End If
Dim inStream As New ZipInputStream(File.OpenRead(fileName))
Dim outStream As FileStream
Dim entry As ZipEntry
Dim buff(2047) As Byte
Dim bytes As Integer
Do While True
entry = inStream.GetNextEntry()
If entry Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
If entry.Name.Last() = "/" Then
Directory.CreateDirectory(destPath & "\" & _
entry.Name.Replace("/", "\"))
outStream = File.Create(destPath & _
"\" & entry.Name, 2048)
Do While True
bytes = inStream.Read(buff, 0, 2048)
If bytes = 0 Then
Exit Do
End If
outStream.Write(buff, 0, bytes)
End Try
End If
Catch ex As ZipException
rtn += ex.Message & vbCrLf
End Try
rtn = "File '" & fileName & "' not found."
End If
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Recursive copy of Files and Folders with VB.Net
For this reason, here you have an example of recoursive copy of files and folders.
Private Sub Copy(ByVal SourcePath As String, _
ByVal DestinationPath As String)
Dim Files() As String
If DestinationPath.Chars(DestinationPath.Length - 1) <>
Path.DirectorySeparatorChar Then
DestinationPath += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
End If
If Not Directory.Exists(DestinationPath) Then
End If
Files = Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(SourcePath)
Dim Element As String
For Each Element In Files
'Sub folders
If Directory.Exists(Element) Then
Copy(Element, DestinationPath +
' File in folder
File.Copy(Element, DestinationPath +
Path.GetFileName(Element), True)
End If
Next Element
End Sub
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Assign a variable from a Select result with SQL Server
The command to do that is very simple:
DECLARE @variable AS datatype
SELECT @variable = Filed FROM Table WHERE Condition
We only have to comply with certain conditions:
- datatype must be of the same datatype of Field
- if the query return more than 1 row, the variable contains the last row value
- is not possible to use TOP clause
Update from Select with SQLServer
The script code is below:
SET T.Field1a = Q.Field2a,
T.Fieldb = Q.Field2b
(SELECT FieldID, Field2a, Field2b
FROM Table WHERE Condition) Q
INNER JOIN TableToUpdate T
ON T.FieldID = Q.FieldID
Where T is the "Table-To-Update" alias and Q is the Select query alias.
The Join clause do the update exactly like we do an "Update ... Where".
Thursday, August 14, 2008
TrixBox Backup
Mondoarchive is a backup solution for *nix systems. It creates .iso files with cd or dvd sizes containing the entire image of disk (like ghost for Windows). It's an extremely powerful solution 'cause, when burned, images are bootable and autorestoring. In this way it's possible to recover the system installation without the reinstallation of all sofware and drivers, for example in case of disk crash.
Moreover, the startup/config script allow to choose where to create image files: on disk, on usb devices, on samba/nfs shares or on ftp.
For any other information, please visit developers site:
The procedure below is optimized for backupping Trixbox versions 2.4 and 2.6 and Asterisk-based systems.
As root user, do:
cd ~
wget (or from
tar -xzvf install-mondo.tgz
chmod +x
This script downloads all dependencies, install mondo backup program and create a custom configuration for trixbox.
At the installation end, it's necessary to reboot the system.
Next we have to edit the /etc/cron.weekly/mondobackup.cron file to activate the desired backup options and to configure the program. Every instruction needed are written directly into this config file.
To test if the procedure is working as we want: /etc/cron.weekly/mondobackup.cron
WARNING: if there are errors on mounting samba file systems (Netowrk Sharing on Microsoft OS) and yours username or password used for accessing shares contains symbols you must write a ' before and after it.
Restore a backup
To restore a backup we can choose from diffrent ways:
Nuke (formats the destination disk and automatically restores all)
It's also possible to try to restore only the bootloader (if the disk didn't crash):
• Boot from backup CD/DVD and choose Expert Mode
• Type: mondorestore --mbr
• Choose option 28 and then
bash# mount-me
bash# chroot /mnt/RESTORING
bash# lilo or grub-install ’(hd0)’
bash# exit
bash# unmount-me
Nuke Restore
As said, this option completely overwrites the system hard disk, automatically restoring the backup
• Boot from first backsup CD/DVD
• Choose RESTORE
• When asked, insert next CD/DVD (if exists)
• Check for errors
If there are errors, check /tmp/mondorestore.log file.
If you wanna see what the program is doing, press
Interactive Restore
The Interactive Mode allow to restore a subset of files from backup or we can use it to restore all files without formatting hard drive.
The interactive restore give the “Editing mountlist screen” that allow to set diffrent sidk geometries. To move through the partitions use up and down arrow keys. To move on buttons use left and right arrow keys.
To restore a subset of files, the procedure is:
• Boot from first backup CD/DVD
• Type interactive
• Answer to questions:
Do you want to partition your devices? no
Do you want to format them? no
Do you want to restore everything? no
Do you want to restore something? yes
Which path do you want to restore? /mydata (for example)
Do you want to run LILO to setup your boot sectors? Yes
Expert Restore
To manually restore:
• Boot from first backup CD/DVD
• Type expert
• Type mondorestore
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Error management on ASP.Net pages
A way is to modify the event "onError", in Global.asax, and make a server transfer to errors-management pages, tipically for error 500 and error 404.
We can also insert here the code to send a mail in case of error.
But the best thing is to create an HttpModule to intercept error events:
public class ErrorModule : IHttpModule
public void Init(HttpApplication context)
context.Error += new System.EventHandler(context_Error);
private void context_Error(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Exception exception = HttpContext.Current.Server.GetLastError();
public void Dispose()
Public Class ErrorModule
Inherits IHttpModule
Public Sub Init(ByVal context As HttpApplication)
AddHandler context.Error, AddressOf Me.context_Error
End Sub
Private Sub context_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim exception As Exception = HttpContext.Current.Server.GetLastError
End Sub
Public Sub Dispose()
End Sub
End Class
and then register it in the Web.config:
<add name="ErrorModule" type="ErrorModule" />
HttpModules are "the better ways", 'cause permit reusability and its possible to enable or disable them from Web.config without recompile.
Friday, June 20, 2008
String replacement with Tex or nText fields
Considerations: If the field was of VarChar or nVarChar type, there is no problem, 'cause in SqlServer exists a function (like in T-Sql) that do it in native mode: the "Replace" function. But this function doesn't work on Text and nText fields. So, we have to use a script builded with another function: UpdateText
declare @OldText varchar(1000)
set @OltText= 'Old'
declare curs cursor local fast_forward
charindex(@OldText, Field)-1
'%' + @OldText +'%'
declare @NewText varchar(1000)
set @NewText= 'New'
declare @txtlen int
set @txtlen = len(@OldText)
declare @ptr binary(16)
declare @pos int
declare @id int
open curs
fetch next from curs into @id, @ptr, @pos
while @@fetch_status = 0
updatetext Table.Field @ptr @pos @txtlen @NewText
fetch next from curs into @id, @ptr, @pos
close curs
deallocate curs
Table is the reference table
Field is the field where the text will be replaced
rowid is the table id (in this example it's of int type, so the @id variable are set like int, for other datatypes change the declaration of @id variable)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Database Connection String for Web.Config
<add name="AccessConnectionString"
Data Source=|DataDirectory|dbname.mdb"
providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />
ODBC Database
<add name="ODBCConnectionString"
providerName="System.Data.Odbc” />
SQLServer database
<add name="OLEDBConnectionString"
connectionString="Server=servername;Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=dbname;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Excel Connection
<add name="OLEDBConnectionString"
Data Source= filename.xls; Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"; />
.csv file Connection
<add name="OLEDBConnectionString"
connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=filename.csv;
Moreover you can use native connection methods for Oracle.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Ajax - Response.Write with UpdatePanel
To solve this problem, a workaround is to insert a LinkButton out of the UpdatePanel and to associate this control with the postback generated from the object inside the panel.
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upd" runat="server">
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="BUTTON" Text="Click" />
<asp:LinkButton ID="ALinkButton" runat="server"></asp:LinkButton>
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
AddHandler Me.ALinkButton.Click, AddressOf FUNCTION
Me.BUTTON.Attributes.Add("onclick", Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(Me.ALinkButton, ""))
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub FUNCTION(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
GUID Validator
Public Function IsGUID(ByVal guid As String) As Boolean
Dim rtn As Boolean = False
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(guid) Then
Dim guidRegEx As Regex = New Regex("^(\{{0,1}" & _
"([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F])" & _
"{4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-" & _
rtn = guidRegEx.IsMatch(guid)
rtn = False
End If
Return rtn
End Function
Word 2007 OOXML Tags
Saving text in word format it's quite simple, but do it in word 2007 format (.docx) it's different (it uses xml). Formatting this text is more difficult, 'cause format tags isn't well documented. This is why i put some of them above.
<br />TEXT
</w:t></w:r><w:br /><w:r><w:t>TEXT
<w:r><w:rPr><w:b /></rPr>TEXT</w:r>
<w:r><w:rPr><w:u w:val="single"/></rPr>TEXT</w:r>
<w:r><w:rPr><w:i /></rPr>TEXT</w:r>
<w:r><w:rPr><w:color w:val="FF0000" /></rPr>TEXT</w:r>
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Unlocking locked files on Team Foundation Server
1. On command prompt, go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE on TFS server
2. Write:
“tf lock $/ProjectName/LockedFileName /lock:none /workspace:WorkArea;UserThatLocks /server:TFSServerName”
4. Write:
“tf undo $/ProjectName/LockedFileName /workspace:WorkArea;UserThatLocks /server:TFSServerName”
Friday, May 16, 2008
Ajax - FadeIn and FadeOut Animation
In this example, we wanna show a customized tooltip when the mouse is over a button and then that it disappears when the mouse is out. We use fadeIn and fadeOut animations, 0.5 seconds long and with a framerate of 20fps:
<cc1:AnimationExtender ID="AnimationExtender1" runat="server"
<StyleAction AnimationTarget="info"
Attribute="display" Value="block"/>
<FadeIn AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".5"
Fps="20" />
<FadeOut AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".5"
Fps="20" />
<StyleAction AnimationTarget="info"
Attribute="display" Value="none"/>
info is a "div" that contains our tooltip. Must be written in this way:
<div id="info" style="display: none; z-index: 2; opacity: 0;">
Thursday, May 15, 2008
OpenVPN on PFSense: Site to Site
Office1 LAN:
Office2 LAN:
One office will be the VPN server, the other will be the VPN client
Let's configure Office1 as server.
Use TCP protocole and, if you have other VPN tunnels, set a diffrent port (in this example i use the port 1193). Obviously we have to creat a firewall rule to permit WAN connection on this port.
Office2 configuration
Let's configure Office2 as client.
“Remote network” must be the IP address of the Office1 LAN dell’Ufficio1.