Thursday, October 16, 2008

Select Distinct on DataSet with Vb.Net

Functions below allow to do a "Select Distinct" query over a DataSet.

FieldNames is a string array with the name of field for the select distinct input.

Public Function SelectDistinct(ByVal SourceTable As DataTable, _
    ByVal ParamArray FieldNames() As String) As DataTable

    Dim lastValues() As Object
    Dim newTable As DataTable

    If FieldNames Is Nothing OrElse FieldNames.Length = 0 Then
        Throw New ArgumentNullException("FieldNames")
    End If

    lastValues = New Object(FieldNames.Length - 1) {}
    newTable = New DataTable

    For Each field As String In FieldNames
        newTable.Columns.Add(field, SourceTable.Columns(field).DataType)

    For Each Row As DataRow In SourceTable.Select("", String.Join(", ", FieldNames))
        If Not fieldValuesAreEqual(lastValues, Row, FieldNames) Then
            newTable.Rows.Add(createRowClone(Row, newTable.NewRow(), FieldNames))
            setLastValues(lastValues, Row, FieldNames)
        End If

    Return newTable
End Function

Private Function fieldValuesAreEqual(ByVal lastValues() As Object, _
    ByVal currentRow As DataRow, ByVal fieldNames() As String) As Boolean

    Dim areEqual As Boolean = True

    For i As Integer = 0 To fieldNames.Length - 1
        If lastValues(i) Is Nothing OrElse Not lastValues(i).Equals(currentRow(fieldNames(i))) Then
            areEqual = False
            Exit For
        End If

    Return areEqual
End Function

Private Function createRowClone(ByVal sourceRow As DataRow, _
    ByVal newRow As DataRow, ByVal fieldNames() As String) As DataRow

    For Each field As String In fieldNames
        newRow(field) = sourceRow(field)

    Return newRow
End Function

Private Shared Sub setLastValues(ByVal lastValues() As Object, _
    ByVal sourceRow As DataRow, ByVal fieldNames() As String)

    For i As Integer = 0 To fieldNames.Length - 1
        lastValues(i) = sourceRow(fieldNames(i))
End Sub

1 comment:

Shutters Michigan said...

Appreciate yoou blogging this